Thursday, August 26, 2021

2021 TSC Models…

 Someone posted this to Blab so the word will be getting out there.  I missed being one of the first with new horse announcements so it’s nice to be there again.  Lol.  On to the pretty new ponies!  I should warn you, though, the photo is really bad quality so colors and details are a bit difficult to make out…

I don’t think the Mustang set with Hwin is a TSC Exclusive, but I think it’s new for 2021.  I don’t recognize any of the others and whatever is in the white box is intriguing.  Aren’t those usually the holiday models?  But the picture angle doesn’t really say anything…  I like the Bobby Jo, but I don’t want to!  When it first came out I wasn’t a big fan and sold my PC one to someone.  Yet every time I see one, I’ve liked it more and more.  I still want Paint Me A Pepto…

And I really kind of want Avalanche…

She is immune from the “I don’t collect decorators” rule because she’s got a realistic coat pattern.  Another one I’d like is Into the Blue…
And what would hobby collector life be without a “good luck getting it” model?  Only 6 were made of All Out so that one is bound to be pricey if I ever looked for one…which I’m not prepared to do just now.  Unless absolutely necessary, it’s pointless to buy horses right now just to have them go sit in our family room.  I had a chance recently  to see the boxes piling up and it was scary!  Lol


  1. WOW! You and i have much in common model-wise! Except, i know you're not a Kota fan. i must say this, though, that i have, unfortunately, discovered that i am just-as-much-a-Bobby-Jo-fan as i am a Kota fan, sigh. i LOVE n have every Jo you posted here! And YES! You NEED a Paint Me! She's sooo cute! And all the other lovely ladies as well. i just hope Breyer never "masculates" her as she has such a gentle face and look about her! i feel the same for Roxy so i am wishing Breyer would have put Chocolaty on the Dundee mold! i do have MUCH HOPE you get your original Bobby Jo back, though, as you won't regret it! And i think you can get her because i got mine on the secondary for just under cost. i wasn't a PC member when she came out.

    And you're right, the Mustang set with Hwin is not a TSC Exclusive, but rather a 2021 release. i need that set because now i have a Champagne & Pearl collection,(used to not like this coloration, but it has grown on me) lol! So even though i do not "conga" Hwin, when i get that set, i'll have two Hwins, lol.

    Ethereal is also high on my radar! (up there with Kota, Jo, SCO, Silver, Stock Horses, and Phase!) Must have that new one, for sures, also because APPY, lol! (shan, here)

  2. You just like too many molds. Even when you don’t actively conga one you usually still end up with several. What are we going to do with you?

    I’m trying to think of where I can put my current horses before buying more, but I still want more. I’m almost as bad as you.


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...