Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 Would you believe I had this big ol' post planned for today and now I can't remember any of what I was going to write about?  hahahaha.  I have a general idea, but not all of it.  Maybe I should start writing that stuff down?  Hahaha.  I will try to eek my way through it.

So, to start things off...I found the missing rider doll.  Somehow she ended up on the floor underneath my desk.  Good thing neither of the cats decided to carry her off into the litter box.  hahaha.  But I did find her and yesterday I got my Pie model and put the saddle and stuff on him so I could put the doll on.  That didn't go quite as well as I was hoping.  First of all, with her feet in the stirrups, she doesn't sit in the saddle...

There's practically a mile between her bum and the saddle!  Look at all that space!  So I took her feet out of the saddle and she sits a little better, but the stirrups don't adjust so...
But that's not the only problem here.  She's supposed to be a Classic size rider and the Pie is supposed to be a Classic sized model, but she's HUGE.  It makes me uncomfortable to see her riding such a small horse.  It's definitely out of proportion.  So I put her on a Traditional scale model...
She still seems a bit disproportionately large, but not as bad as with the Classic scale model and I couldn't really get her to sit more forward.  Her body leaning more forward, I mean.  I really need to get the fabric out that I bought for taking pictures.  hahaha.  Anyway, I went to put Winx back in her spot next to Freddie and for some reason, she no longer fit there.  She's been there for several weeks, but suddenly she didn't want to sit in her spot anymore and I lost a bear in the process or trying to put her back...
So I had to put Pie where Winx was and move Winx over to where the Pie used to be.  <sigh>  I am out of room for horses, but still, I want more!  Gotta have MOAR!  hahaha.  I'm looking at two ebay auctions for San Domingo models...

Both are decently priced, but I guess I should wait to see if I win the panda pair before attempting to buy either of those two.  I haven't added any members to my San Domingo conga for probably a couple of years now.  I still need Kentucky.

Okay, I am truly envious.  There is a person on Instagram named HorseTenderStudio and she makes tack and stuff.  Well, recently she decided to make a sling like for rescuing horses by helicopter...
How incredibly creative is that?  Definitely thinking outside the box!  I never would've come up with that idea let alone had the talent to actually make it.  But that's not all...she decided to take it on a test run!
That is so unbelievable!  I really am in awe of her creativity and wish I could do things like that, but I have no patience for "fiddly" things like tiny straps and buckles and stuff.

Well, I guess that is it.  I can't think of what else I wanted to say.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Til next time!


  1. Wow! Neat blog post! Thank you for demonstrating the Classic size doll does better on the Traditional-sized models! i wish Breyer could get their sizing correct, lol. Of course the Classic-sized doll is tiny anyway and maybe manufacturers deem them too difficult to make working parts that little? (or any smaller than Classic with that much detail) i know, i have no idea what i am talking about haha!

    You Wynx is v. pretty. i don't have any on the Emerson mold. He's just too tiny for my tastes, i mean, compared to LG and Cigar.

    That sling contraption for the rescuing the horse is intriguing! Thank you for finding it and sharing it! i am glad the creator of it owns a Smoky as it makes me glad i'm not the only one who adores hims!

    Mmmm, Roman and Traveler! ...And, Kentucky! <3 So hope you get to add them to your herd! Love them! (shan, here)

  2. Thank you for the compliment on the post. Yeah, I don't know what Breyer was thinking when they made the Classic rider doll when she obviously doesn't fit it and she really only looks appropriate with the smaller sized traditionals like Winx. I think part of the thing that still looks so off to me is the ginormous head. hahaha.

    I have a Smoky, too. Or is it Buckshot? Or is that the same horse? hahaha. Anyway, I got him for Christmas and isn't a mold I would've chosen for myself, but since he was a gift and one from my brother at that...


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...