Monday, November 30, 2020

"Freedom Series Models Are Ugly..."

 At least, that's what my brother said recently.  Well, maybe not those exact words, but pretty close.  He did call them ugly and he did specifically mention the Freedom / Classic scale.  I, of course, contradicted him and he showed me pictures of what he was basing his opinion on...

Well, yeah.  Based on one model I can see where he thought they all looked like that and I told him as much so he showed me another example...
I told him those were special editions and that some people collect that sort of thing and he said "nobody collects those" and maintained that Freedom Series models were ugly.  So I had to counter with one I have in my collection...
I told him I don't really collect this size model, but that I had several in my collection.  I also told him I don't collect the decorator ones like High Tide and Cupcake, but there were plenty of people who do.  He didn't believe me, I don't think, which is fine.

And remember a couple of weeks ago when I did that post about things coming into my collection and then just disappearing...?  Apparently that has happened again.  Not a model this time, but model-related.  I had finally gotten around to unpacking my Eclipse and the rider doll I got as well.  I know where Eclipse is, but I seemed to have misplaced the doll and her accessories.  I remember bringing the package into the house, but I don't remember what I did with it after that.  Good grief, I'm too young to be this forgetful!  Unfortunately, it's something I've suffered from for many years.  Let's hope the doll and her accessories are as easy to locate as the polo tack.  <sigh>

Well, I know today is Monday and not my "usual" upload day of Wednesday, but I just had an overwhelming urge to blog and my brother provided the perfect opportunity for it.  Today I am back at work after my Thanksgiving vacation.  I think I'd mentioned we had Thursday and Friday off so I took the rest of the week off.  I didn't do anything exciting.  None of the stuff I wanted to get done got done, but that's par for the course with me.  My Thanksgiving was pretty decent.  Lots of yummy food.  My family is just my brother, my mom and myself.  We used to invite friends over who had nowhere else to go, but for whatever reason we don't anymore.  I imagine my mom's current condition has a lot to do with that.  Oh well.  Anyway, I hope everyone else had a nice holiday.  Until next time!


  1. It's good to see that I'm not the only person who doesn't care for the newer "Freedom" molds, lol... There's something weirdly awkward about them, and the "80s Big Hair Barbie Fashion Show" oversized manes/tails many of them have does not help! XD

    1. Yeah, I’m not a fan of the big mane/big tail trend either, but not just on the Classics. I don’t like it on the Traditionals either.

  2. i am...a sucker for *most* things Breyer so, yeah. i collect the Classics and even most of the "Freedom Series" Classics. Sorry, Bro, you are wrong this once... i don't particularly care for High Tide and or whatever he mold is. But yet, i do love the large manes and tails on all the horses. And at the same time, i love all the old sculpts that were done by Love and Hess. Did i say i am a sucker for all things Breyer??? Hahaha, shan, here.

    1. Oh, he's been wrong more than once, but he'll never admit to it. hahaha. I don't necessarily collect Classics, but if I see one that catches my eye then I'll get it, but it's never a full, blown-out mold where the mane and tail are all over the place. The mold is either standing or walking calmly. hahaha.

    2. Lol. But it is neat Bro had an opinion, at all, about this stuff. i know many spouses and or SOs that could not give a darn-at all-and not voice an opinion.

    3. Nah. My brother actually does have an opinion about model horses. Not always much of one, but he does. You're right, though, most guys don't care. He likes the buffalo and has a couple himself.


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...