Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Some models...

 I'm hoping it's "safe" to post a vlog without worry that Breyer is going to hit us with something today.  It seems like all too often I will post one and then Breyer will release something.  hahaha.  But I'm going to go ahead and post a blog.  Not a very interesting one, but one nonetheless.  After that intro, I bet you're just dying to read the rest, aren't you?  hahaha.

So, when I still worked in a physical office building (up until March 2020), I had several models on my desk.  I didn't share my desk with anyone, so I had stuff all over it.  Models, Pusheen plush, various little knick knacks and trinkets.  When we were initially sent into Work From Home mode, it was only supposed to be for 2-3 weeks.  Well, those 2-3 weeks have stretched on to almost 8 months with no specific return to office date yet.  My company is building a new office complex and we won't be moving back into an office until that is complete and we will move into that one rather than the old one.  Anyway, since it was only supposed to be 2-3 weeks, I left a lot of my stuff on my desk.  All of my models and all of my Pusheen plush and just pretty much everything.  I only took with me the work-related stuff I knew I would need for that time.  In May, it looked like we would start returning to work.  We had "mission critical" employees already there that never left and that was wave 0 and 1.  May would be wave 2 and would include people who had volunteered to be part of it and managers.  Only a couple of people would be allowed per unit in wave 2 and I was not in that wave.  Wave 2 lasted about a month and then the office shut down again, sending everyone except Mission Critical people back home.

Bear with me, I'm getting to the point...hahaha...

In July, I think it was, we were told we would not be returning to the current office, but rather to the new one after the first of the year.  So that left what to do about our personal things at our desks.  We were told two different things at different times.  They kept going back and forth on what was going to happen.  One scenario was that we would be allowed to come in and pack up our stuff ourselves and the other was that Corporate Real Estate (CRE) would be doing it for us and moving everything to the new building.  The 2nd scenario concerned me because of my models.  If CRE packs up my desk, they're not likely going to take care to ensure my models don't get broken or scratched because they wouldn't know how easily damaged cellulose acetate could be if handled improperly.  And with all the desks they were having to pack up, they probably would just toss stuff in a box anyway.  So, I expressed my concern to my manager in May, I think, and initially he didn't seem to be too concerned about it.  But then in June I did again and he offered to pack up my desktop and I could come pick it up.  Obviously, I jumped at the opportunity and we scheduled a day for me to come by the office.  Not only did he pack up my models, but he also packed my Pusheen plush and did his best to use the plush to cushion the models.  It was really considerate. He put the models in a plastic In Box tray then put that in a paper shopping bag.   Well, for the past 6 months or so, everything has remained in the bag he packed them in...until today!

The 2 Djangos aren't the only Stablemates I had at my desk, but they're the two I grabbed this morning because they were both right there when I went to get The Pie, who is the only larger model I had at my desk.  I struggled with whether or not I wanted to take her home back in March.  The way she was situated on my office desk, it was like she was watching over me and I liked looking up and seeing her there.  But I ended up not taking her home because I knew I wouldn't have a place to put her where I'd have the same feeling.  Heck, my first week of working at home I was working on two TV tray tables in the living room!  

So, now I have the Pie home, but I STILL don't have a place to put her...

That is the top tier of one of my cat trees.  hahaha.  I can't leave her there, though, since one of my kitties spends a lot of time in that top tier.  Finding room for the two Stablemates was a little easier, though...
If only it was as easy for me to find room for the big guys.  I don't remember if those are my only two on that mold.  If it is, they can stay there, but I will need to check ID Your Breyer to make sure.  I know I don't have the copper filigree one.  There's enough room to add others around it if I find I have others on the mold, but I know they haven't used it a whole lot yet.

Okay, well, that's it for now, I guess.  Til next time!


  1. shan, here. Soooo glad you got your stuffs from work back! Glad your boss was considerate with your things! i was especially worried about Pie! She looks cute on the cat tree! i cannot believe it but you even have not only one, but TWO Indian Ponies i don't have! LOL!

    1. I agree, she does look pretty cute on the cat tree. I think those are the only two IP horses I have, although I want to say I also, I don’t think I do. I think those are the only two I have, but you know how reliable my memory is. Lol.

    2. Heheh, my memory as well, sometimes...But, something else to say about the Indian Ponies, my adopted ma thought i didn't like them much, but she was incorrect in her "interpretation" of my affinity towards the IP, haha!

    3. I don't "dis"like the IP, I'm just not super wild about him. The two I have are from when I had to "have them all". Back then I got him and San Domingo confused because they're in similar poses, but then I decided I liked SD better. And my confusion between the two is why I can't think if I have one other IP or if that is an SD with a similar paint job to an IP. Confused yet? hahaha


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...