Friday, November 20, 2020

I want to cry...

 If only I'd checked Facebook sooner.  If only I'd checked Blab sooner.  If only, if only, if only...

For anyone who has been around for awhile and paying attention to what I've blogged about, you'll know I've been looking for the 2017 (I think) web special Acadia on the Valegro mold.  I've checked Ebay periodically as well as MH$P but nobody has any for sale or they have him for well over twice his original price and I'm not willing to spend upwards of $400 for one.  Anyway, I saw a post on Facebook from Breyer about a Black Friday sneak peek so I  decided to look and see if there was anything I would be interested in.  And that's where the wanting to cry comes in...

WAAAAAAAAAAAA!  They had some for sale!!!!!!!  But they were already sold out by the time I found out about the Pre-Black Friday sale.  The sale started at 8am my time, but I didn't find out about it until 9am.  WAAAAAA!  I seriously want to throw an epic temper tantrum right now.  hahaha.  Is Acadia going to be my Achilles Heel?  The obtainable "grail" that I can't obtain unless I am willing to sell a kidney?  <stomps foot> <pouts>  I really, seriously want to cry right now.  I'm not just saying it.  Yeah, pathetic, I know.  It's just a hunk of plastic, but dagnabbit, I WANT IT!  

There's a couple of other things in the sale that are tempting...Kentucky on the San Domnigo mold for $30, for one.  Then there's the Stablemate Riding Camp set, but it's only $3 less than the regular price so that's not really anything to get excited about.  Oh well.

I will probably not be blogging next week.  I do about 90% of it on my work computer since it's the most convenient and I'm off work all next week so I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Til next time!


  1. Ugh. i am so sorry you missed out on Acadia. i know how it feels to miss out on something you've been wanting. i definitely know how badly you want him and for how long. Makes me wish i would have checked Breyer's Black Friday stock in time to have told you, but i never even saw him. Hugs. Sigh. You know who this is.

    1. Lol. Yes, I know. You should be able to comment under your own name since you have a Gmail account (gmail = Google) but I don’t know what you need to do to make that happen. Anyway, thanks for the sympathy. It definitely sucks.

    2. You are most welcome! Yeah, i tried one time to do it, but i still couldn't seem to get it to work. So, i'll just re]main anonymous...sort of...Okay. Not really, haha!

    3. Hahaha. Yeah, I don't know how to do it so I guess you'll have to remain anonymous.


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...