Thursday, October 22, 2020

MORE new horses...Update at end...

Oh boy. Three posts in two days! One of the reveals is from yesterday but I didn't feel like adding to the Honeybunch post. hahaha. So, Breyer revealed what the Breyerfest 2021 model will be. His name is Intuit and he belongs to Terry Bradshaw, who is a Quarter Horse Breeder now, I guess. I think he tried selling the business a few years ago, but I guess is sticking with it for now. Maybe it's helping that he's got a reality show. hahaha. Anyway, the celebration model is a portrait of one of his stallions named Intuit. The horse has quite an attractive appaloosa pattern, but the horse itself is a bit of a mess. Not exactly what I would call an "ideal" representative of the breed...
The model, fortunately, is much more attractive. It's on the Geronimo mold with a very similar pattern to what they'd used on Ambrose earlier in the year, which kind of has a few people upset over...
And here is Ambrose as a comparison...
VERY similar, but not identical. I didn't get an Ambrose so having an Intuit will be kind of neat. I wish the tail on the Intuit model was silver like it is on Ambrose, but then that would be making it look too much like Ambrose. I hope to be able to add an Intuit to my small Geronimo conga. I think I only have Geronimo right now, but I'm not certain. Whether I will be adding him will likely be dependent on whether or not there is an actual regular Breyerfest in 2021. At this point right now, in all honesty, I don't think it's going to happen. I realize it is still a good time away from now, but the way things are looking and the way people are talking in general, it's not going to happen and I don't anticipate me participating in another Breyermess. That was just too painful for words. hahahaha. But I guess time will tell, won't it? So, back to the new horses. Today, Breyer released a winter decorator model named Christoff...
Created with special "clearware" translucent plastic that gives him the appearance of an ice sculpture, Christoff conjures images of the frigid Swiss ALps with the swirling winds and delicate snowflakes that decorate his frosty blue coat. Even with the low price point, I won't be buying him. I don't really care for the mold and it's not a type of decorator I collect. I do, though, like his translucent hooves. Those are pretty neat. I have no doubt there'll be plenty of people wanting to buy him, though. 

 Okay, so, I'm going to go "off script" again today with a complaint about Blogger. First, they forced us to switch to a style where you have to verify you want to view the page for the hyperlink you clicked on before it takes you to that page. Uhm...if I clicked on the link, it's because I wanted to view that blog...don't ask me if I'm sure since I clicked on it to begin with. Now it's how it looks when you are typing a post. You used to have a choice between HTML and some other type and now it's all HTML and so the pictures show up as gobbledy-gook instead of the actual photo until you post it. At first I thought it was just my cmoputer or the browser I was using, but I tried another browser and it's the same way. I haven't seen anyone else complain about it, though, so manybe it IS something I'm "doing". Good grief. Now it's putting paragraphs together that shouldn't be. Unless there's something to figure out on how to fix it...yeah...this isn't going to last much longer. This blog, I mean. Anyway, I guess that's it for now. I know. This blog was real exciting, wasn't it? hahaha. Til next time...

**Update**. Apparently Terry Bradshaw and Terry Bradshaw Quarter Horses have pulled Intuit from being the celebration horse for 2021 Breyerfest.  There was mention of concern for the safety of the horse and some people mentioned death threats or harm towards the Bradshaws and/or Intuit.  I didn’t see any comments like that, just a lot of comments about the poor breeding practices.  It’s unfortunate that this happened.  Someone on Blab mentioned concern over future horse owners being reluctant over allowing their horse to be used as a celebration horse as a result and I think that is a justifiable concern.  Even if there were no actual threats towards the Bradshaws or Intuit, the fact that there are rumors that there had been might be all it would take.  The whole thing kind of puts collectors in a bad light either way.  I guess we will have to wait and see what will happen now.  How quickly Breyer will be able to get another Celebration Horse.  I wonder, though, how many models were produced.  All of them?  Or just a prototype?

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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...