Friday, April 10, 2020

Introducing Thorn...another Breyerfest Sneak Peek Reveal...

Say hello to our 8th BreyerFest Special Run reveal - Thorn!

Done on the clasically handsome Trakehner mold (#54), sculpted by Chris Hess, this icon is being released for this year's Celtic Fling in a fun softly-metallic buckskin blanket appaloosa complete with mottling on his nose.  Another of our fun throwback surprises to help celebrate Breyer's 70th Anniversary.
Named for thorn, the third in the sacred tree trilogy related to fairy lore, this plant has been long-considered sacred.  Combined with oak and ash, the thorn in folklore is said to ward off fairy mischief, but the hawthorn plant itself is regarded for its antioxidant medicinal properties - even today!

Rudyard Kipling was so captivated by this tree lore that he dedicated a chapter in his fantasy book, "Puck of Pook's Hill" to these trees.  "A Tree Song" is a poem about the trees oak, ash and thorn that emphasizes their symbolic nature in the history the British Isles.

Well, as far as I know, nobody guessed the correct mold, but I was correct about the picture showing the neck and chest area.  I like this guy.  I don't have any on this mold, although I used to have the original grey one.  I liked him.  I like this one.  I may have to have this one.  I have two spots for my SR time if I choose to have my friend get me pick-ups and Epona is the only other one I really "must" have.  Is this #2?  Could be.

Nothing else exciting is going on so I guess this will be a short post.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Til next time.


  1. i LOVE the Appy pattern and color as long as Breyer's artists don't make him too yellow in the belly and or green i hope they don't let the "yellow" part get too green. The Trakehner mold isn't my favorite but with the Appaloosa marking, i may have to have him, hahaha! shan, here!

    1. I’m not too worried about him being too green but you may have a good point on the “yellow-ness”. This isn’t my favorite mold either but I don’t dislike it. I like the appy pattern and like that they put some on the shoulder. They should’ve done that on Nirvana


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...