Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Another Breyerfest Sneak Peek...

A Pick-Me-Up!

Yesterday's news about BreyerFest being transitioned to an online event has been rough for all of us to absorb - gathering in Kentucky is the highlight of our year!  It was an incredibly tough decision to make, but we know you, our amazing Breyer fans, understand.

We aren't going to let that news dampen our spirits, though!  BreyerFest ticket holders will have exclusive access to models and other fun surprises  - including that handsome fellow Dyflin we introduced you to back in January.  Early Bird ticket sales are coming to a close tomorrow and all Early Bird ticket buyers are automatically entered into the Raffle for Dyflin - with the added bonus of not needing to be in Kentucky to claim your prize!

We've still got all kinds of amazing models in store for this year's Celtic Fling.  Can you guess who this is?
Check back soon for the reveal!

A raised hoof.  Hmmm.  I wonder if that is...hahahaha.  I honestly have no idea.  There's a lot of molds with a raised hoof.  Is it a front hoof or a back hoof?  It could be either one.  I can't even tell if it's a "high" raise or a "low" raise...meaning is it close to the ground like San Domingo or higher up like Marwari?  There's not enough bend in the foot to make it a super high raise.

So...what do you all think of the change to BreyerFest?  I'm not sure.  While I'm intrigued by how they'll work it out with workshops and such, I worry that their servers won't be able to handle the amount of traffic it will get.  And it'll be interesting to see how they do the Special Runs.  Will they stick with the ticket times and do a virtual lottery?  That seems like it would be quite a nightmare.  And what about shipping?  If you're at BF, you buy the models for a set price and you're done.  If you pay for shipping it's because you choose to ship your models home and the cost is on you.  But if the sales are done online, is Breyer going to charge you the cost of shipping?  That could get pretty expensive depending on how much stuff you buy (SRs, store specials, Single Day SMs, general merchandise).  I wonder if Breyer will offer refunds to those who don't want to do a virtual Breyerfest...?  Some people are wanting their money back NOW, but they're being ridiculous.  Even if Breyer is willing to refund the costs of the 3 Day tickets, nobody is getting their money back right this moment.  They said they will have all of the information in place by the end of the month and will let us know so we really just need to be patient and stop raking Breyer over the coals.  Oh, and if I see one more post where someone says they "called it" or saw this coming, I'm going to scream!  hahaha.  I mean, come on.  Is that really necessary?  Does it make you feel better to say "I told you so"?  Probably.  People are weird like that.  They want to be validated or something.  Pretty sad.  Oh, and for the record, while I understand why they're doing this, I don't agree with it.

So, I may have a line on an Acadia for a reasonable price.  I found one for a price that isn't too horrible, but I made an offer on it and I'm waiting to see if my offer is accepted or they counter.  I think my offer is reasonable, but some sellers think knocking $5 off their listed price is reasonable.  I haven't decided what my "walk away" counter-offer is, yet.  Maybe I will wait to see what, if any, they come back with and then go from there.  Fingers crossed I can get it for my offer or within $10 of my offer.  I guess I just decided what my "walk away" amount is.  hahaha.

Well, I guess that's it for now.  Til next time.

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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...