Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Breyerfest Sunday Raffle and Seattle Soiree Models Revealed...

I know it's not Wednesday and neither was it yesterday when I posted, but right now there's no "rules" because lots of things seem to be happening all at once, for some reason.  So, I may end up posting on more than just Wednesdays right now and also, there might be a Wednesday where I don't post simply because nothing is going on worth posting.  I'm working on non-BF content, but that takes time.  hahaha.

So, first of all we have another Breyerfest reveal.

The BreyerFest Blog is rocking and rolling with model reveals this week!  We are keeping things going with our next reveal - this year's Sunday Raffle Model, Fields of Heather!

Heather, found abundantly growing in the wild in Scotland (it covers approximately 5 million acres of land), is one of the nation's national flowers and Scots have found many uses for it - from bringing good luck to brides to aromatherapy!  It also features prominently in Scottish Folklore tales.
The lithe and athletic Akhal-Teke mold (#805) was sculpted by Breyer's own Heather Puleo, and will debut next month as our first Premier Club model of 2020.  He is finished for our lucky Sunday Raffle winners in an eye-catching bay varnish blanket appaloosa, and now represents the unique Nez Perce Horse.  He is fully decked out with amazing details, from his mottled nose to his detailed "toes" and with plenty of mapping and spots in between!

Keep your eyes on the BreyerFest Blog.  We've got lots more coming up!

Hmm.  Where do I begin?  For the most part, he's not bad.  I don't particularly care for the mold itself.  I'm not a huge fan of stretched out molds like this.  I don't know why, but I prefer standing or a nice walk like San Domingo.  So I wish they'd used this pattern on a different mold, although I'm glad it wasn't on one I like since the secondary market price for him would be higher than Man of the Hour (last year's volunteer model).  The main "issue" I have with him, though, is the three "stripes" on each side of his body.  To me, it looks like he's been attacked by something and those are claw marks.  hahahaha.

So, the models for the Seattle Soiree were made available to those who chose to not get a full refund.  Well, photos of them were.  I'm not going to put all of the pictures here because they're easily found elsewhere and I like to do things differently here, as you all know.  I do, however, want to touch on one of them...the only one I'd want of the group and he is, of course, part of Group A, which is the less quantity group.  If he'd been one of the models for Scottsdale Stampede I would've kept him without a doubt since I only have one "complaint" about him.  Anyway, his name is Nirvana and he's done on the braided mane and tail Idocus...
My complaint?  His color is kind of boring.  It's a very flat-looking black and too minimal.  The could've given him a white sock or even a coronet band.  Or a "pink" hoof.  Or they could've mottled his muzzle a little.  Something to give him more white.  Yes, he has the barest hint of a star on his forehead, but that is barely noticeable, you know?  Oh well.  Like I said, if someone were to give me one...or I could buy one for a reasonable price, I'd take him, but I won't aggressively seek him out on the secondary.  They also revealed what the Stablemate will be and I'm not even interested in that one.  My streak ended up with Sweet Home Chicago.  Of course, it was only a 3 event streak, but still...hahaha.  Anyway, how they're doing the draw is kind of confusing to me, but it will be interesting to see how it turns out.

On a personal note, it appears as though my new boss thinks I need multiple meetings per day...
I am trying to convince him otherwise.  I think I am losing since we had TWO meetings today.  hahahaha.

That's it "for now".  Til next time!


  1. HAHAHAHA! What a boss! He's handsome, too! He'd be a major distraction for me should i be working for him, lol!

    i am...in trouble again...raffle-wise! Dangital! Why is Breyer doing so many dingdang Appies as raffles?! i have missed out on so many! i just don't have the money to shell out for stuffing the ballot box! As it was, i was second-to-last drawn for Muse when i stuffed that box hard with purchased tickets! Granted, Muse is not an Appaloosa, but she is a Nokota; my other model weakness! i really really really want the abundantly stretched out Fields of Heather as his mold reminds me of the Smoky The Cow Horse mold and i do love stretched out shelf hogs as much as i like the walking, standing-four-on-the-floor, grazing, and or otherwise everything in between! Admittedly, though, i am not as fond of the Jumpers with stands even though i have a few...

    Oh Nirvana is beautiful, but i have to agree he might look even better with a little more shading or mottling as he does appear to be "flat black". At the same time, the flat black still does kind of appeal to me. i don't conga this mold so he is not a huge priority.

    1. I was just about to say "Come on, Shannon, you just want them all" but then you go and say you don't care for the jumpers or Idocus so now I can't say that. hahaha. I have a couple of stretched out shelf hogs in a single Hanoverian model and a couple of Smarty Jones molds. I do have some Roxies and Zips, but neither of those are extended quite as much.

  2. Heheh. Guilty. i DO want them all, haha! Now, i didn't say i "didn't care" for Idocus and or jumpers, but that they are just less favorable than a whole bunch of others. i actually DO really like the Idocus mold; i just don't want to start congaing another mold. Now if they do a BF Surprise SR staring Idocus and or they start pelting us with Appy Idocusi, then i just might be screwed like what happened to me with the Roxies! HAHAHA!

    1. I stand corrected. hahaha. If you haven't started an Idocus conga by now, it might be too late. He hasn't been used as much as Lady Phase or San Domingo, but he'd cost a few dollars to play "catch up" with.


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...