Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Day Early...New BF "Sneak Peak"

I haven't been keeping track much of the Breyerfest happenings lately, but decided to look today and saw they posted a new sneak peak...sort of...

The caption reads: You know we can't reveal this one - we can't even give you a hint!  All we can say is that Slainte is how the Irish say "cheers" and we know you'll be cheering when you unwrap this beauty at Breyerfest....

Ohhhhh!  I bet this is the Surprise model.  That makes sense, now, why they can't give us a hint or tiny picture.  Now it makes sense.  Sorry, I can be a little slow sometimes.  I'm Polish.  hahahaha.

At the moment, Breyerfest is still going to happen, but that might change.  The Kentucky Derby has been moved to September.  I doubt they will run the Preakness and Belmont out of order so those two might be postponed until the fall as well.  Also, for the time being, Seattle Soiree is still scheduled to happen in mid-May.  I hope it does for the people who spent oodles of money on airfare and the like.  Obviously it will be understandable if they decide to postpone it, though.  My trip to Las Vegas the same weekend, however, is in jeopardy.  Currently, I am planning to stay at the Mirage, which is owned by MGM Grand and all of the MGM properties are closed now and no new reservations will be accepted until May 1st.  Or maybe it's they won't accept any reservations for dates prior to that.  My concern is that when they open reservations back up, the prices will be jacked up to make up for the lost revenue.  So far, only Wynn and Encore have closed down as well, but that's just 2 casinos compared to the 7 owned by MGM.  I wonder if Caesars Entertainment will follow suit...?  If they do, that will pretty much wipe out the entire strip since those two corporations own the majority of the properties on the strip.  I could stay somewhere else, I know.  I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. 

In lighter news, someone on a doll group I belong to on Facebook is having a little fun with the toilet paper shortage...
I don't know whose photo it is, but it was posted by Joyce Savage so that is who I will give credit to.  That's a pretty fancy outhouse if you ask me!  hahaha.  I'm surprised it would have that many rolls of TP.  Anyway, it shows you have to keep a sense of humor in this chaos.

And this cool photo comes from Medib2 on Instagram.  I thought it was really cool (literally!) and wanted to share it...
I think the frosted breath look is being a bit overdone like the water splash, but this one is a bit unique in that it features wildlife in nature.  I wonder what they're looking at...

Well, I guess that is it for now.  Til next time...


  1. Awe, Aye! You posted on my favorite holiday! i was busy trying to make sure we could get into our fave restaurant during all the chaos at the time...Joyce Savage is pretty creative, so she may have made that scene with the doll, outhouse, and TP, lol. Really neat and thank you of sharing it here on your blog! shan, here! :)

    But i truly wonder what the Surprise Model is gonna be! A lot of people are saying it will be Croi. That could be good or bad. Good because i don't conga her even though i have 3 Crois. And bad because i may actually START congaing Croi, hahaha!

    1. I just thought it was a really fun and clever scene and so I wanted to share it. Obviously I want to give credit where it belongs, but if I don't know who to credit, there's not much I can do about it. I have an outhouse, but it's classic scale and unfinished wood. I keep meaning to do something with it.

      I think Croi as the surprise would be too obvious. Most of the time, the models don't fit the theme other than the name. hahahaha


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...