Wednesday, March 11, 2020

I'm a bit behind on this reveal... and a new web special...

Somehow, when I wasn't looking, Breyer snuck in a new Sneak Peak model.  How is that possible, you might be wondering?  Well, the past few days I've been "off the grid", so to speak.  I needed a bit of a mental health break so I haven't been doing social media really, except for binge-watching cruise ships have horn battles on You-Tube.  hahaha.  Disney Cruises have a medley of Disney songs such as Small World and When You Wish Upon A Star while Princess Cruises has the Love Boat theme and other ships play We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions.  Some ships with have "horn battles" while in port or while one ship is leaving port.  Sometimes it's between the same cruise line and other times it's different ones.  Some cruise ships blast their horn or, if they're capable, play a medley while passing under a bridge.  It's pretty cool, actually.

Anyway, let's get on with the Sneak Peak...
I'm so far behind on this one that I'm not even going to bother with what people were guessing it was and how correct they were.  But I did just look at Blab and nobody guessed the correct mold.  Somehow they went off-rail on a conversation about giving beer to horses.  hahaha.  So, we shall go straight to the reveal...

Cead Mile Failte (my computer doesn't do accent marks) to our next Special Run Reveal - Lugh!

Done on the classic sculpt by Rich Rudish, Sham (mold #410) was originally part of Breyer's Artist Series in the 1980s.  Since this year also happens to be Breyer's 70th anniversary, we've thrown a few throwbacks like this handsome guy into the mix!

Lugh (pronounced "loo" --- uh...bathroom?  hahaha) has been done for BreyerFest's Celtic Fling in a richly-shaded medium bay with a high-gloss finish and an unusual feature - a gulastra plume!  This unique genetic anomaly was named for the Arabian stallion Gulastra, whose bay descendants were commonly found with a light or flaxen tail instead of a black tail.

With such a strong look about this model, we felt it fitting to name him after one of the most prominent gods in Irish mythology (are they aware "loo" is what the Brits call the bathroom? hahaha)  Portrayed in the folklore as a warrior, a king, and a hero, Lugh is associated with oath-making, the truth, and law.  He is celebrated during the summer harvest festival Lughnasadh, which takes place around August 1st.

His name and all the bad jokes associated with the pronunciation aside, I kind of like him.  I only have one on the Sham mold and that is SShameless++.  I don't know if I will get Lugh, though.  The more I look at his hear...I don't know.  I do like the tail, though.

A couple of real horses with a Gulastra Plume...

They look real neat, but I'm not sure how well that will translate to plastic.  The promo picture looks "fine" but that doesn't mean the actual models will look as good.

Breyerfest is still about, what, 4 months away and there's been a lot of discussion about how the Corona Virus is going to affect it.  Some people are talking about canceling their plans to attend while others are planning on wearing a mask and gloves.  With the event being 4 months away, I think they're being a little over the top about the whole thing.  My bigger concern would be the Seattle Soiree, which is only 2 months away, especially since Seattle has been the epicenter of virus cases in the US.

Completely unrelated to model horses, we got an email yesterday telling us our desktop computers are being replaced with laptops at work.  99% of my tasks require two monitors so I'm not sure how that is going to work...unless there's a way to plug the monitor into the laptop...I hope so.  I guess I could ask.  Anyway, I'm not sure why they're doing this, but we will be responsible for taking our laptops home each night and bringing them to work each day.  Oh goody! <heavy sarcasm>

Well, I guess that's it for now.  I guess I should actually get to working.  I've been here almost 30 minutes and I've done nothing except post this.  hahaha.  Til next time!

**Edited to add**
And, as per usual for Breyer, I make a post and they make an announcement afterwards.  Maybe I should just wait until lunchtime to post my blog.  hahaha.

Introducing Goji - The Second Web Special of 2020!

First introduced in 2016, the Berreis series introduced horse lovers to a sweet crop of berry-inspired ponies.  For 202, we are expanding our berry patch with a farm-fresh herd of new ponies you'll be excited to pick!
Protective and medicinal, the Goji berry is quickly becoming popular outside its native Asica, where it has been used to improve health for thousands of years.  A member of the nightshade family, they taste a bit like a sweet tomato.

This stury Fjord cross is strong and willing to help carry new friends across the toughest terrain.  Goji is not overly sweet, but is always ready and willing to help when asked.  Sommer Prosser designed Goji's unique shaded bay varnish roan blanket appaloosa coat.

Goji is limited to 350 and comes at the "bargain basement" price of $150.   hahaha.  I like the paint scheme, but I'm having a hard time seeing an appy pattern on a Fjord, cross or not.  With certain breeds, you expect a specific color.  I found out recently that Friesiens come in colors other than black, but to me, they're always black.  Same with Lipizzaners always being grey, except those are born an actual color.  hahaha.  But I think I will enter.  On only one of my accounts, though.  He is quickly growing on me, but not enough to enter on both accounts.


  1. WOW! Lugh! LOVE Lugh! i love them all, though, don't i?! HAHAHA! Big Sham fan, here, this shan is, lol!

    Yeah, that "Gulastra Plume" in the tails...gorgeous, but i agree with your curiousity in, "how will that translate into plastic?" Hopefully they will do him (Lugh) justice!

    Being the Appaloosa fan i am, you'd think i'd go gaga over Goji, but not so much. i don't dislike him but definitely one of my lesser-liked Appy applications by Breyer. Goji reminds me of the CB's "Chicory". So definitely not a 150 dollar worth of want for me.

    1. I'm an appy fan, too, but that doesn't mean we have to like all the appies all the time. If the pattern had been on a different mold then I would probably like it more, but that pattern on a Fjord just ruins it for me. I actually like the color and pattern, just not on the Fjord.


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...