Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Adding models to your collection...

Let's say there's a model you really want...not necessarily a grail, but one that you really want.  And let's say it's not a cheap model nor one easily obtainable because they don't go up for sale very often.  What do you do?  At what point do you decide to "give up" on finding one at a price you are willing to pay and how do you determine what that price is you're willing to pay?  Do you have a maximum amount that you stick to across the board or do you have a sliding scale?

A couple of years ago there was a web special on the Valegro mold called Acadia...
I loved the mold the moment Valegro was revealed and Acadia was a definite must-have due to his minimal paint markings.  I already had a Collector Club account, but I wanted him so much that I bought 3 more!  But would you believe that NONE of my accounts won?!  Not a single one.  I was totally bummed.  Since then, I have been "loosely" looking for one.  "Loosely" is based on when I remember to look and when I have money to buy if I find one.  And I have found a few.  But the money wasn't right.  I mean, it was more than I felt comfortable spending at that particular time, even on a short time payment.  Since that particular one, any others I have found have been more than $100 more than it, in a price range I'm definitely not comfortable with.  At what point do I say "forget it"?  There were 200 of these available to Collector Club members plus however many extras made to replace heavily flawed ones.  Is this model so popular that 190 some odd are still in their owners' collections?  Why are so few of them sold on the secondary market?  And why are people insisting on asking $385 for him when his original price was, what, $175?  Yeah, I know.  I took Economics in high school.  It's all about supply and demand, right?  It gets very frustrating, though, you know?  I want this horse but I don't want to pay double the issue price either.  But how much AM I willing to pay?  I don't know.  Maybe I need to figure that part out and go from there, but it's not like the people who ARE selling are saying they'll sell for X amount or best offer.  <sigh>.  Maybe if I went to Breyerfest I would have better luck at finding one at an acceptable price.  Maybe.  I don't know.

On a different note, I recently bought the National Velvet book set and the Makayla schooling doll. 
I "loosely" (there's that word again) conga the mold.  This "loosely" is because I only recently started collecting / admiring the mold.  The doll, Makayla, I got because I liked the clothes she was dressed in...
I don't know if I'm going to leave the doll as-is, though, or put her away and just put the clothes on one of my other dolls.  I haven't decided that.  I am using the photos from Amazon because I haven't gotten around to unboxing them yet.  What else is new?  hahaha.

On a different note, yesterday I became aware of a breed of horse Polish Warmblood.  It is similar in body structure as the heavier version of the Wielkopolski, which is bred based on what it will be used for.  The lighter version is for driving and competing while the heavier version is for riding.  The Polish Warmblood is heavily influenced by the Thoroughbred and Oldenburg and partly by the East Friesian and German Halfbreed.  They come in both solid colors...
as well as paints...
But the color that caught my attention I can't begin to describe.  He's just gorgeous...

Can you imagine Breyer trying to make a model with those colors?  I think even a customizer would have a bit of a difficult time with it, but I'd love a model with those markings.  I'm not sure if I like the roached mane on him and I wonder how long his tail is...if it's a shorter, ratty tail or a nice, long one.  With the roached mane he'd probably look better with a shorter one, but not a super short one like the Appaloosa Performance Horse.

Well, I guess that's it for now.  I'm sorry if this post put you to sleep, it sort of did me.  hahaha.

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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...