Friday, December 6, 2019

Fun with... ?


Okay.  So another blogger gave me some helpful tips about my blog...well, not my blog specifically but about blogging in general...and one of them was to set a schedule and keep to it.  That way, people know when to expect a new post rather than having to just randomly check to see if there's a new one.  I don't remember if I mentioned in a prior post or if I told someone that I was thinking about doing that, but I never did.   I just need to decide now on how many days a week to post something new and stick to that schedule.  I created an "active" link on Blab so all someone needs to do is click on it rather than copy/paste and on my Instagram I may just make a post saying I've uploaded a new blog.  She also said not to take too much stock into the page views.  It'll be difficult, but I will try.  That's why I wish I could turn off page views so I won't pay so much attention to them. Several people have told me they don't want me to stop blogging, so I won't.

 So...this weekend I will be thinking about things like an upload schedule and then I will stick to it.  Friday may or may not be one of those days, but it is today.  I brought my as-yet unboxed Farrier Jake doll to work and I have a couple ideas of some funny pictures to take.  At least, they're funny in my head, but so am I...funny in the head, that is.

I don't like his apron thing.  It makes me think he's wearing culottes, even though I can see he's got jeans on.

Anyway, tune in early next week...hmmm...Tuesdays and Fridays maybe...I will try that upload schedule...tune in next Tuesday to see what Jake has gotten himself into.  Have a great weekend!


  1. HAHAHAHA! shannon, here! LOVE it! Fun with...? Funny in the head! You and i, both! HAHAHAHA! No wonder i am partial to you! You are not only funny in the head, though, you are very funny! Cannot wait to see what "Jacob" er, Jake...gets himself into!

    1. Jacob or Jake will work. Yeah, no wonder we get along so well...we are both funny in the head.


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...