Farrier Jake and the strange-looking horses...
Okay. So here is the first post of my posting schedule. And no. "Storytime Tuesday" probably won't be a regular "thing". I just liked the title. So, let's get started.
Jake is a farrier. That means, he trims horse hooves and puts shoes on them, unless they're barefoot. Sometimes, that's easier said than done, though...
Hmmm. This doesn't seem right... |
Ordinarily, the anvil is used to hammer out the shoe as it's fit to the horse's hoof. It can also be used as a place for the horse to put its hoof, but not usually. But how is he supposed to fit a shoe to a horse the size of a Beagle? He doesn't have anything that small! He needs to find something a bit bigger.
A-ha! This looks like it would be a perfect fit!
This doesn't look right either... |
Is this even a horse? What is this creature?
Stand still! |
It doesn't look like a horse...maybe it's some kind of ancient breed. Can I ride it?
Uhhh...Ride 'em cowboy? |
This is very strange...It has soft feet so I don't think nailing a metal shoe to it would work very well, nor would giving it a barefoot trim. What would I trim? And how would I trim it? It keeps walking away from me! But wait! There's a smaller one! Maybe this one will be more cooperative...
Or maybe not...
Hey! Come back here! |
As the strange-looking animal runs off, Jake realizes it may not have been a horse after-all and maybe he should go to vet school instead of being a farrier so he could find out what the cat-like creature was...
Ooof! |
Or maybe he should just use Google instead...
The end...
THAT...cracked me all the way up! Tears and everything! Oh that was sooooo goooood! Thank you for the belly-roll-on-the-floor-make-the-hotel-staff-think-i'm-nuts-kind-of-laugh! (shan, here, case yer curious!)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's pretty silly, but it's fun.
DeleteOMG just saw this now (getting caught up on BrendaBlog)...echoing what Shan said,
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Very creative and entertaining. I do think that Jake should stay out of vet school...and make Google his best friend.
Hahahaha. You’re probably right. I’m glad you enjoyed the story.