Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas horses...

Good morning and Merry Christmas.

I know I said I would upload on Tuesday and Friday, but I didn’t say I wouldn’t also post in between those days.  Hahahaha.  This will be short, but not-so-sweet.  Lol.

So last night a bunch of people were talking on Blab about what, if any, special model Breyer might be offering Collector Club members this year.  Then came the speculation what time they would go “live”.  I haven’t  liked any of the holiday horses enough to buy any for a few now but I figured I would check it out.  The first time suggested was 11am EST since that’s a time it’s happened in the past so I set my alarm for 9am.  But then other times were mentioned from other years so I settled on 6am then went to bed.  At 6am the alarm on my phone went off and I checked Blab first and then the Breyer site.  Nothing.  I stayed up to check at 7am then set my alarm for 9am, as I had planned originally.  At 9am my alarm went of, but I set the timer for another hour. This time I checked the Breyer page first and saw them...
Fruit Stripe Zebras.  Although they’re calling them Candy Canes, they resemble the flavors of Fruit Stripe chewing gum.  Except the black one.  Licorice flavor doesn’t exist in either Fruit Stripe gum or candy canes.  They’re cute.  I don’t have any other zebras, but the price is $135 for a blind draw. You don’t get to choose your flavor and I only like the gold one...

$135 is too much to spend on a random color of 5.  There is a “rare” one, though.  500 each have been made of all the colors except Licorice, who is only a run of 12.  He’s actually the only one I don’t like because he’s such a solid black and is kind of boring-looking...
Even being a glossy he is kind of flat-looking.

People are already selling theirs on eBay and MH$P for obnoxious prices.  I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am, kind of.  Considering they aren’t going to sell out like hot cakes and you can get your own for just the price of a 2019/2020 membership and buying one of your own for $165 total, shipping included.  Some of the sellers are having the model shipped to them and then they will ship to the new owner after taking it out and inspecting it for flaws.  I wonder how many people are going to be unscrupulous and try to re-list at a higher price if they end up getting one of the rare black ones...who knows?  At any rate, I’m not going to buy one and as tempting as it might be, I’m not going to buy one to turn around and try to sell it at double the price.

I’ve been enjoying my 24 hours of A Christmas Story.  I haven’t seen any of one entire showing, just parts of multiple ones, but that’s normal.  I still haven’t decided if I’m going to go to Flagstaff tomorrow, when it isn’t snowing, or on Friday, when it’s supposed to.  But looking at the web cam for Flagstaff and going tomorrow would probably be my best bet.  I probably won’t be able to get anywhere near the city, though, without chains or snow tires, even with all the plowing going on so I will probably go as far as they let me then go to Sedona.

Until next time...


  1. Merry Christmas! shannon, here. It...was a pain getting up at 7:30am EST for Breyer and then to stay up until they released the Stripes...Ugh!! Haha! We got my husband an account and he wants the black one, of course, so we shall wait and see! If we get the Stipers with our accounts, we'll likely give them at cost to a friend or friends who want all the colors...i am glad you gave us a bonus upload! ;)

    1. I hope you get the colors you want. :). I wish I had stayed with my original plan of getting up at 9 to see if there was anything, but that whole FOMO...


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...