Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ambrose Pt 2...

Not that there really was a part 1, but he was talked about in my last post along with a picture.  Well, the models have started to drop and man, is he gorgeous!  I am ALMOST wishing I had bought one.  Almost, but not quite.  I keep getting hung up on the price.  hahaha.  Especially if I have any hope of going to the Seattle Soiree in May should I get picked.

Anyway, I'm in a model horse group on Facebook and yesterday another member posted photos of her model and she was kind enough to let me use her photos.  These are all courtesy of Carrie Hamel.  Thank you, Carrie, for letting me use them!  I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of this guy.

She did a pretty thorough walk-around of him.  These aren't all the photos she posted of him, just the ones I selected.  There was another head shot and one of his stamped belly with definite verification that he's a stallion.  hahahahaha.  I love the mottling on his face.  Not so much the eyes because it looks kind of weird.  I know it's natural on appaloosa horses, it just looks weird to me.  The dapples look nicely done.  They're not fish scales nor are they star dapples.  His shading is stunning and overall he's just a very beautiful model.  Breyer did a good job on him.

This next photo isn't horse related, but it's model-related...sort of...I guess...when I saw it I thought it was real, but it's actually a Schleich.  I was surprised...
Isn't that amazing?  Doesn't it look super real?  I need to take some of my animal creatures out and try to get some natural photos of them.  I have a crocodile or two, but I don't know if their heads are up like this so that I can get a similar photo.

Speaking of Seattle Soiree...I'm surprised we haven't gotten more information about it yet, especially with the entry period starting on Monday.  When Scottsdale Stamped happened in 2018, the "celebration" model was announced along with the event and the entry period opened a couple of days later.  I'm sure the holidays have something to do with it because Breyer is taking a mini vacation, but I'm anxious to see what the Celebration model is so I can make plans to pre-sell it should I get picked.  I will need to renew my Collector Club membership and possibly buy a 2nd.  I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, I know this post is pretty short, but there isn't much going on in my model horse world at the moment.  Until next time...


  1. WOW! Ambrose really is pretty! i also love the pictured provided as the brown background suits him and goes well with your blog format! i just wish Breyer wasn't so heavy-handed with the "pearlization"! Other than that, whoa, pretty Boy!!

    And, wow, too, about that crocodile! He does look pretty real! i saw a Schleich Mallard duck at TSC yesterday and he was really realistic in my opinion! Yeah, i hope you get some of your other naminals out as it will be fun! Thanks for the blog and happpppy New Year! shan, here!

    1. You know, I didn't even know Ambrose was "pearly". I didn't notice it in the description and I never noticed in the photos. hahaha. But apparently I'm the only one who didn't notice by the looks of things on Blab. hahaha. I don't mind the pearl. I don't necessarily like it, I just don't hate it, you know?

      Should I post any naminal photos here or keep those separate from the horses?


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...