Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Hey everyone!  I have seen a lot of bloggers and Instagrammers do New Years posts about their favorite models they’ve bought each in 2019 or their goals for 2020.  Some have just done a Year in Review type thing.  I wasn’t going to do that.  And I’m still not going to, even though I’m posting on. New Year’s Day.  Hahahaha.

I do have a goal for the year, but I won’t call it a resolution.  I absolutely need to get my collection in order...

You can’t really tell from these photos, but I have a lot of models that are semi-toppled over and I need to get them straightened up.  And dusted.  Ugh.  I also would like to inbox the ones I have boxed still, but first I need to find room for them all and that would be difficult to do with so many of them not standing upright.

I would like to say I am going to definitely make it to one of the collector events, whether it be Seattle Soirée or Breyerfest, but I can’t make that guarantee.  I would like to say I am going to attend a live show, but I can’t guarantee that either.  Will I look for and hopefully obtain a trail?  I don’t even know that much.  Do I know anything?  No.  Other than needing to get my collection in order.  Some kind of order.

As for plans for this blog...I have decided to upload on Wednesdays “only”...I put it in quotes like that because I don’t mean I am only going to post one one Wednesday and no other day.  It means that at the bare minimum I will post on Wednesdays.  If something interesting happens then I will make a post about that.  The reason I am doing this is probably obvious, but if it isn’t, I will explain why... I like and want to have fresh content.  If something happens “right now” then I want to post about it, not wait for the next time I’m supposed to.  Like, if there’s an exciting release or information Tuesday afternoon, after I had already posted, or it happens on Wednesday, if I wait to post about it until Friday it will be old news by then.  I chose Wednesday as my definite upload day because it’s the middle of the week and just seems like a good day.  Lol.  Another reason for changing it to one day a week is I sometimes have a hard time coming up with something interesting to post about.  I don’t want to write about what all the other bloggers are, which I think I’ve mentioned that before, and I fear that if I keep it at two days a week I will end up doing something like that.  So, starting now, I will post on Wednesdays for sure and then other times/days as warranted.

Well, I guess this post did kind of turn out like a 2020 Goals.  Lol.  Sometimes you don’t know how something is going to turn out until you do it.

I hope the new year has started out well for everyone.  Until next time...


  1. Happy New Year to you!! Here's to a new year of new Blogs By Brenda! YAY! Love it! You will do a fantastic job!

    i suck at new years' "resolutions" so i decline stating them. IF i do something great, then, yay me! But if i don't, then at least i don't have to beat myself up over it, haha!

    LOVE your collection and i hope you can get in organized in such a way that you can enjoy it more! Besides drawing, i am working on this, too! That is trying to organize my collection in order to enjoy it more! shannon, here and thanks for bloggin' in the new year!

    1. Yeah, I don’t make resolutions either. These are just things I would like to do. Lol.


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...