Friday, October 11, 2019

New Model...

Well, modelS...plural.  But one doesn't entirely count yet as he hasn't been removed from his shipping box or examined yet.  I'm such a slacker.  Hahaha.

Last week I bought a Khalid off of someone on ebay and he arrived a few days later...

Like I said, though, he's still in his shipping box and I can't even leave feedback until I inspect him. Maybe this weekend. It's funny, though, because I was so hot and heavy to get him into my grubby little paws but then I don't even bother taking him out of his box when he arrives.  Grrrrr.  And combined with the 2 horses I bought off Amazon in July that are also still in THEIR shipping box, what right do I have going and buying yet another model?  But I did.  At least this one isn't in a shipping box, just the regular window box Breyers come in.  Yesterday I found myself with an unexpected afternoon off so I decided to head out and look for the wild horses.  Usually, I prefer to go a certain way to get to where they are, but decided to go a direction that would take me past a Tractor Supply Company.  Unfortunately, all of ours are on the outskirts of larger cities so I have to actually make it a point to go to where they are rather than just having one in my regular areas of driving.  Hoping TSC would have Kentucky to add to my San Domingo conga, I decided that was where I was going to go.  And actually, taking that route to get to the wild horses isn't going out of my way.  The route I normally take IS, but I seem to get there faster.  Maybe it's because of traffic / traffic lights, I don't know.

So, I get to TSC and even before I walk through the sliding glass door, I'm already seeing the familiar bright yellow boxes our beloved models come in.  I head over to the display, already with the intention of buying SOMEthing, if only to justify the energy it would end up costing me in the long run.  I saw the exclusives Sampson and Hakan, but neither of them appealed to me.  I also spotted Stella, another TSC exclusive that I didn't realize was an exclusive at the time nor did I realize she was a traditional.  For some reason I thought she was a Classic and I didn't buy her because I was afraid I already had her.  There was a neat Stablemate barn set I considered, but I didn't really care for the mold used.  They also had the 2019 Christmas model Minstrel...
Yup.  That's the one I got.  I loosely conga the Latigo mold so I grabbed it and off I went.  It was my hopes to go back to the location where I'd taken the Stablemate photos featured in an earlier post, once I reached that area, I was afraid to get out of my car.  Why?  Well, the road I'd driven on was very bumpy and my bladder was unhappy.  Sorry, but that's the truth.  And with no facilities out there other than some cactus, I didn't dare risk it because I would still have to drive back out to the main road.  Did I mention this road was a dirt road mostly for off-road vehicles and 4 wheel drives?  Not only did I not want to risk my bladder, but I didn't want to damage my car.  I need to find another place to take some pictures for sure, but when you live in the desert, there aren't too many "natural" places to go.

I will probably have to go back to TSC at some point in order to get Stella.  I liked her look enough to consider buying her yesterday so maybe I need to go back and look again then maybe buy her...We will see, though.  I don't have any models on the Blue Grass Bandit mold, but that's not a big deal.  Not every model I buy has to be one I conga already, right?

I did see some wild horses while I was out looking.  A small band and they were not in a place where I could photograph them, which was a total bummer, but sometimes just seeing them is neat.

QOTD...Okay...this is an interesting one...If a store has several models you want and you could only get one "now", how do you decide which one to get?


  1. shannon, here. QOTD...Samson was my favorite of all three TSC trads but i need the blue couch as i bought not only Sam, but the other two as well-Stella n Hakan! Hahaha!

    i ended up buying the Minstrel from a dealer as i was not pleased with the Minstrels i saw at the three different TSCs i went to. i also got Khalid from the same dealer...

    Eh, i hope you won't be too hard on yourself for not deboxing the horses...We all slack at some thing or another...

  2. OH! (shannon here) Also i bought and LOVE the Lucien! Cannot believe anyone would object to his beauty!!!

  3. Well, Miss Shannon, you didn't quite answer the QOTD. hahaha. You kind of went off on your own thing. The question was...if you could buy ONLY ONE, how would you choose which one to buy. hahaha. Since you bought all 3, that isn't choosing. ;)

  4. Heheh. OOps! Sorries, Brenda! Well, er, ah, um...i need the blue couch don't i?

    So. Okays. i'd buy Samson if he was the only one i could have!


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...