Wednesday, October 16, 2019

New Breyer Collector Club Model...

For the most part, I want to try to keep this blog entertaining and positive, but there might be an occasional rant thrown in here or there if the mood hits me and this is one of those times.  Plus, I have a headache and I tend to get grouchy when I don't feel well.  hahaha.  I'll try to keep the complaining down, though.

So, just about every morning when I get to work, I check Facebook and then Blab and then a few other websites and on Blab I saw someone had posted that the new model for the Collector Club had been put up for purchase on the Breyer website...

I first saw a picture of him during Breyerfest and knew I wanted him when he became available... which was today.  I hesitated only a moment before deciding to go ahead and buy him now rather than wait a week or two in case he sells out since it's a "while supplies last" type deal.  Well, to read some of the comments on Blab, you'd think he's going to be around for a long time.  Most of what I have read about him has been negative.  People complaining about the color and the pattern and "another paint sporthorse" and that he's not glossy and he costs too much and he's boring-looking.  Blah blah blah.  It was enough that the one person who admitted to liking him and ordering him immediately, hid behind the "blue couch of shame"

Sorry the photo is so tiny.  But why do people do that?  Why do they complain so much about a model that people who like it feel they have to hide for liking it?  I told her not to hide and to stand out and proud next to me.  It's like a thread that got started a couple of months ago that led to a few people being banned from the website...price shaming and "upper class" hobbyists.  Or something like that.  That thread got real ugly, real quick and had to be locked a couple of times before it eventually died.  The gist of that thread was that some people who have the means to spend on pricey models are made to feel bad by saying they'd never spend X amount on a model or a model costs more than a car payment or rent payment or whatever.  So the people with the means or desire to spend $$$$ on a model don't want to share anymore and thus, don't post on Blab as much.  A couple of people, myself included, apologized and said they'd be more mindful of it in the future, but that wasn't enough for the person who started the thread and basically kept telling people they needed to pay attention to how many people were saying they felt price shamed and change our behavior.   Someone even said that because they were getting an education and had more opportunities where they live, they're more intelligent and likely to go after the higher-priced models.  I told her that a college degree didn't immediately equal intelligence because I don't have one and I know I am very intelligent.

But I digress...yeah, what else is point is, sometimes there's a pettiness in this hobby that can be a little hard to swallow.  If you don't like a model, fine.  Not everyone has to like the same things.  But to say it's an "easy pass" and "ugh" makes it difficult for people who do like it to express that.  You don't like it?  Don't buy it.  I happen to like it very much so I bought it and I can't wait for him to arrive.  Do I wish he'd been a bay pinto or a black pinto or a chestnut pinto like someone else said?  Eh.  No.  The color doesn't bother me.  Do I wish he'd been made a glossy?  Eh.  I don't care.  I'm not a huge glossy person.  Not everyone wishes every model was glossy.  Do I wish the model was a little less expensive?  Heck yes!  Who wouldn't?  But compared to Acadia, whom I am still trying to acquire, albeit not very heavily right now, Lucien is a bargain.

Would you believe I am still driving around with Minstrel still in my car and in his box?  I keep meaning to bring him inside, but I have yet to do it.  Maybe today.  hahaha.  And I still haven't unboxed Khalid.  That one is enough for the Blue Couch of Shame

And the horses I bought from Amazon in July are still in their shipping box.  Yikes.

In addition to Lucien, I also bought the Farrier doll...

I don't know why.  Well, yes, I do.  Because I wanted a boy doll and I wanted to round up the dollar amount for my purchase from Breyer.  Dumb reason, I know.  His face looks funny but I can learn to live with that, I guess.

I guess that's it for now.

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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...