Currently, I have these 4 Stablemates keeping me company at work
and these 2 under my desk...I haven't decided what I'm going to do with them, yet, even though they've been there since...oh, I don't know...November, I think? hahaha. One of the molds I don't care for at all and the other one is okay, but I don't want the one to get lonely.
I'm lucky in that where I work, I've always had my own desk (no sharing) so I've been able to have stuff out and not worry about whether someone else might not like my decorating choices. In the past, I've had a desk where I could put a larger model because there was a shelf...
I suppose I could put a larger model on the desk I have now and I'd considered bringing Oliver to work, but I haven't done that yet.
With this, I got to thinking about a mini barn to have on my desk, just to make things more interesting and this is something I found...
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witchychick |
The ones that looked the most realistic appealed to me the most...obviously...
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knb studios |
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pintos & more |
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model horse jumps |
breyerscs |
breyerscs |
But I have no barn. I never have. My parents have always been supportive of my model horse hobby, buying me models when I was younger and never making me feel bad about collecting them as I grew older. My dad was a cabinet-maker my entire life (although he was an airplane mechanic before I came along), but for some reason he never offered to make me a barn to keep my horses in. It wouldn't have had to be fancy like this one that doubles as a bed frame
but something simple would've been nice. When we moved from my childhood home into another one, he even picked out my room for me because one whole wall was nothing but shelves and they thought it would be perfect for my models. For some reason, though, it never occurred to him to make me one. Oh well. I haven't given up the possibility of owning a barn. Just something fun to use for pictures or "play". Yes. I'm an adult, according to the year on my birth certificate, but I still like to play. I once read a quote that I have always believed to be true: "You don't stop playing when you grow up; you grow up when you stop playing." I've seen people on Blab say they have to leave the hobby because they're about to turn whatever age and it was time to grow up. I both laugh and feel sorry for them. If they think they need to put models aside because they're turning 24 or 26, they're in for a very boring existence. I may act childish or child-like, but I do know how to adult and I will do it when it's necessary. But when it's not necessary, why can't I have fun?
So how about any of you? Do you have any kind of barn? I'd love to hear about it.
What a fun post-desk herd OR wanna barn! Either one! Haha! i, like you, would have LOVED a barn as a kid! (You'd think my dad would have built one since he owned a lumber yard ya know?) Now, i have a barn that was recently given to me but i don't have space for it. Haha! It also needs a hinge repair...The gift barn was built by a dad given to his daughter whom was a little older than you or me. i also enjoy "playing" with my Breyers! Anything from galloping them around to making them have "conversations" haha! i also enjoy making up families that match regardless of how Breyer presents them in sets. i think it is great to have fun playing with these horses and to forget about "adulting" sometimes!
ReplyDeletei also adore the concept of a desk herd! When i was a working girl in a cubical, i had my own desk but it was always full of paperwork so i had no space for models. i did have a little wall board i could tack pix and stuff up on but that's it. That is sooo neat you have a desk herd! i LOVE your choices of stablemates you have on your desk! A lady i go to church with used to have a Classic Arabian foal in Palomino on her desk when she was a working girl. She is retired now but do you know what she did with her desk companion? She gave her to me! Which was very sweet of her and i still have her as i do ANY and ALL ponies peeps have given me! i adore the SM Fluffernutter you gave me and the red roan ASHF twin you gave me! Thank you for a fun and very enjoyable topic of conversation! And hear hear to to having fun and NOT growing up! ;)
Thank you! It totally was only supposed to be about the desk herd, but it really went sideways very quickly. hahaha. That's okay. It was fun and I was exposed to some neat-looking barns. One of the reasons why I don't have a barn now is, as you've mentioned for yourself, lack of room. That SM barn is so much less expensive than it was when it first came out, but I still have no room. I could probably make room for it on my desk at work, but I sometimes get strange looks for the Pusheen plush I have. The Cheetah, orca and horses apparently are "acceptable" but the plush seem to be viewed more as toys, you know? My job is 99% paperless so my desk is no longer covered in paper, which is great.
DeleteI don't know if I ever told you, but my younger cousin Sadie used to do something like what you do with your horses... except they were my horses, she never had any of her own. She loved playing with mine and was always real careful and respectful. She always asked me to get them down for her off the shelves. Anyway, she made up the most random family groups. Not in colors like you do, but not in set either. And she would change their gender to suit whatever story she had in her head. She was very creative, but she was also very literal sometimes. I took her to an open house at one of the Arabian ranches and we were walking through the barns. One of the worker guys said something to her about buying a horse... he was joking...but she took him seriously and said she didn't have the money for a horse. It was funny.
(shannon here-sorry i forgot to write my name last time) Very cute about your cousin Sadie! Jess, my younger cousin would play with my horses but not for long for she and her younger sister each got REAL horses in short order! Unfortunately her younger sis died in a car wreck. But Jess continued on with her love affair for the equine! She has 3 now that she shares with her twin daughters. Jess recently got married and she and her hubby rode to the reception on horseback! It was soooo dreamy! Beautiful!
DeleteYou are most welcome! These blogs of yours are so wonderful! i look forward to them and i find myself looking for new installments of yours every day! (Even though i realize you have responsibilities and hafta adult!)
i've been outta the workforce for 18 years now so i bet my same position is now paperless as well. i am glad yours is so you can have horses on your desk and have less overall mess!
You mention Pusheens...i love those leetle kitties, too! i wish i had more room so i could collect even more of them, but the horses take up so much of this house that i'd likely find myself in a doghouse should i get more serious about collecting Pusheen! They are sweet, though, and if i can figure out a way, i will HAVE more of them! Haha! (i still have and adore all of the leetle ones you gave me and have since added a big one--she eats popcorn! And i LOVE popcorn so)...
There are now TWO more that eat popcorn. An "upright" one (sitting up instead of lying on her side) and also a small clip (about 3 inches tall) of the upright one. I have all 3 . I'm running out of Pusheen room and try to mostly buy the smaller plush, but sometimes I have to buy one of the bigger ones. hahaha.
DeleteI'm glad you are enjoying my blogs. I would love to do them more frequently, but I like having my own photos in them and I often lack the motivation or energy to take the necessary pictures. I don't have a horse room like you do and my horses are a horrid mess right now so taking pictures is even more difficult. Don't worry, though, I have quite a few ideas in my pea brain for upcoming posts. I may do one at lunch today if I feel I've collected enough pictures and information.
I'm sorry about the loss of your younger cousin. That's always hard. Sadie couldn't have horses anyway, even if she wanted to. Her dad was career Air Force so there was no time for real animals. When they were stationed in Spain, they adopted a couple of cats that they brought back with them, but cats are easier to move than a horse. And I don't think she wanted a real one anyway. She liked playing with the plastic ones but I don't know that she and her sister ever went riding. I'm glad, though, that Jess has been able to carry on her horsie-ness with her husband and children.
Thank you. i wish i could hug you for your kind words! Cassie was a real genuine sweetheart! i do miss her. Mom wore her horsey ring with pride. Her (my Aunt Patty-Cassie's and Jess's mother) sister gave it to her (my mom) with the request to give the ring to her daughter Jess upon leaving this world. So now Jess wears it on the same hand as her weeding ring!...
ReplyDeletei hope you can revive your enthusiasm and energy for picture taking as you are very talented and have an extraordinary eye! i also hope you can get your horses to behave and "arrange" themselves properly so that you might enjoy them even more! Some of my herd is still an absolute mess which i hope to rectify soon! Haha! But i know what you mean about them being in a mess-ugh! But i am sure you will have plenty of good ideas and pea-sized-brain is hardly an accurate description for your brain as it is big and glorious! Keep up the good work!
i know your blogs are primarily about horses but when you told me thar be a standing Popcorn Pusheen i lost it and put her in my watchlist and will likely be bringing her home to be with her lounging-popcorn-eating sister shortly! Haha! Thanks a lot you enabler!
Ugh! How annoying. I have to change browsers just to respond to comments from my iPad, but not to post from it. I had already typed out a reply but it got eaten up so now I have to re-do it. Lol. I don’t know why it does that, but... oh well.
ReplyDeleteMaybe one of these days you can, who knows? I haven’t given up hope of making it to Kentucky. I can plan in advance all I want but I won’t know until six months out of there’s any chance, you know?
Thank you for the nice words about my photography. I have a love/hate relationship with it so it’s always nice to hear when other people like my pictures. Even if I don’t believe them. Hahahaha.
That’s great you’re going to get that other popcorn Pusheen. I don’t mind if non-hobby stuff is discussed in comments, I’m just trying to keep the blog posts themselves about hobby stuff.