Personally, I'm not a huge fan of un-realistic colors on my models. Never have been. But I do have a few in my collection. I got my first decorators courtesy of the 2013 Breyerfest. I had ordered pickups of two new Stablemate sculptures, Dungaree and Chrome...
I'm not sure what attracted me to the mold, but I knew I had to have them, regardless of their blue color. Well, Dungaree is blue, Chrome is not. And it was a total bonus that they came in these cute little pouches that looked like pockets, but this post isn't about packaging. lol.
I was gifted a Twill by some wonderful blabbers who knew I was a big Lady Phase fan
It was definitely a pleasant surprise when I received her in the mail. Totally unexpected and brought tears to my eyes.
Also in 2013, Breyer released a set of 3 decorator colors of Lady Phase and called it Mother Lode because they were gold. This also caused a big thing that ended up crashing their website. Only a very limited number were available and you couldn't choose which of the 3 you got.
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model equus |
In 2014, I added another decorator when I had Glimmer picked up...
and was able to purchase the special Silver Anniversary Misty model on the Breyer website...
That one caused quite an uproar because I don't think she was available to those in attendance, but I could be wrong. I think only a certain number were made, though. I will have to do more research on that when I'm able to access IDYB. For some reason, the firewall at work now thinks that website is dangerous to our system so it blocks it.
Over the years, the only decorators I've acquired have been painted by someone and not Breyer original finish decorators. I've tried winning specials, but have been unsuccessful...unless I was entering for someone else.
Some people really like decorator models, which is how this post came to be...the thread mentioned at the beginning. A Blabber posted her collection of Clearware models for us to all drool over. I didn't drool much, but I liked how she photographed them and could appreciate that part of it even if I can't fully appreciate the models themselves. Now, if they made clearware of the ones I collect, that *might* be a different story. I don't know. I'm not the type of collector who has to have every color on their favorite mold, but that's a subject about congas and a totally different thing that will be discussed some other time.
Kim G is the owner of these horses and has graciously granted permission for me to use them here. There were a lot of photos to choose from and I didn't want to overwhelm everyone with a bunch of pictures so I chose my favorites. I hope everyone enjoys them... Maybe she will post a comment here and tells us a bit about her collection such as how long she's been doing it and what appeals to her about clearware models...
For starters, I think I like this grouping the best. I like the color blue and I like that there's that one in the middle that is only considered on the blue spectrum because of his tail. It stands out in a cool way amongst the others that are predominantly blue
And...a group photo...I believe she said this wasn't all of them either...
They're all so colorful and pretty. Not quite a rainbow, but a better one. Thank you for allowing me to share, Kim!
So what about the rest of you? Do you collect decorator colors or are you more of a realistic color person?
I have a three day weekend from work since Monday is Labor Day. Maybe I will finally get in and straighten up my collection. They've been neglected for far too long. Happy Friday, everyone!
LOVE decorators! shannon, here, haha! i can remember when i didn't (or at least i thought i didn't) care for decos! i used to only collect realistic horses and they all had to be matte in order to be realistic...Well, i happen to have a supportive spouse so i like to take his opinion into account on some of my model purchases. Come to find out, he LOVES glossy horses! So you guessed it, they grew on me, too, and now i collect glossies! But decorators were a hard (er) sell for me. Got my first decorator in 2005; Gambler's Choice Gold Florentine ASB through JAH! It wasn't till i got the Alpine (think his name is) Esprit through several calls to Breyer back when they had the first come first served way of getting horses. So starting with him, it was all downhill from there! Had to have EVERY Silver Filigree i could get my grubby paws on! (Still trying to find Silver Snow, though! HAHA!)
ReplyDeleteReally LOVE the clear-ware, now, too! Thank you for asking KimG to share with us these pix of her clear herd! They are wonderful!
So glad that you "allowed" a few decos to infiltrate your herd, Brenda, because those SM critters you have are really pretty! i finally got a Dungaree and a Rivet at the CHIN this year at Breyerfest-so grateful! i also have that Misty you bought online. Breyerfest actually had that horse (er, um, rather pony haha) on the grounds as well! Also, of course, have Twill because LADY PHASE!!! Need i say more? Haha!
An even harder sell, for me, became the unicorns and pegasi! With that Breyerfest raffle Muse, though, that allowed that floodgate to pour open! *shakes head*
I totally forgot about my gold florantine drafter i got one holiday season when Breyer was releasing a "bunch" of vintage and pc models...i think it was on Christmas Day or something. I'm not sure where he even is. He's either buried with a bunch of other SMs or I sold him to someone, I don't remember. I will have to try to remember to look. I'm glad you finally got you a Dungaree. I didn't know you were looking for a Rivet, but I knew you'd wanted a Dungaree. I actually have two
ReplyDeleteI have never been a fan of pegasi or unicorns so I doubt I'll ever get any of those, but there's other filigrees I would get if it was on a mold I like. Why haven't they done a filigree or florentine on Lady Phase? They need to.
Yeah. That would be nice if they'd do a Filigree on Lady Phase OR Smart Chic! i'd LOVE a Silver Filigree on Smart Chic so my Avalanche Bobby Jo could have a husband! Hahaha! But a Filigree Phase would look soooo cool next to the Mother Lodes! Haha!
DeleteI don't collect SCO so I'd rather not a filigree on him. LOL. But it would be nice for those who do collect him. I forget, do you have any of the Mother Lodes? I don't so a silver filigree wouldn't look spectacular next to a Mother Lode in my collection. Well, it would, but that would mean pony-ing up the cash to get a Mother Lode. hahaha. I actually wouldn't mind the deco that is on Bobby Jo, though.
Deletei got fortunate enough to buy the buckskin at the CHIN from a gal named Lori years ago for a reasonable price and then i was blessed to break through the web blockade and get the Appy (which is what i wanted most haha because Appaloosa!) ;) Still very much want and need the Paint...
DeleteWell, aren’t you just the greedy little one! I know you conga LP, but leave some for the rest of us. Hahaha. Seriously, though, that’s great you got two of the three.