Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Breyerfest 2019

Yes, I am probably doing this backwards.  I probably should've blogged about 2019 before 2020, but I didn't have easy access to photos to do 2019, so there!  hahaha.

Anyway, so here we are.  Post Breyerfest 2019 by 3 days.  Most everyone is home now and horses may or may not have been unpacked and put up on display already.  I haven't received mine yet.  I didn't get any pickups, although now I wish I had, but a buddy I have got pickups and had an extra Oliver so she gifted him to me as that was the only model I wanted.  Or so I thought.  Now I wish I'd gotten Rocket and Diana.  But I will be getting an Oliver from my friend's pick-up person.  It's just a matter of waiting for her to sort through her orders and then he'll be sent directly to me, which is good since the friend who gifted him to me lives in Canada.  Her pickup person is in the US.  I offered to pay for shipping or at least part of it, but she wouldn't hear of it.  She says it's because I was so nice to her when she and her friend were here for the Scottsdale Stampede in November when I showed them around then took them to the airport.  I'll post more about that in its separate blog, though.

Breyerfest 2019 seemed to make a lot of people a bit nuts.  It was the 30th anniversary of the event and it was predicted, although not really in much detail only mild speculation, that there'd be some kind of special models like there had been for the 25th anniversary.  For that one, Breyer had some of the models painted silver.  Well, for the 30th anniversary, they took it a step further.  I won't go into a whole lot of detail, just the models I'm interested in.  lol.

For starters, there was Diana, a lovely glossy bay Roxy.  Initially, it was believed she had a loose mane and tail
pawprints_saddlery on IG
Absolutely stunning and would've been fine if it had ended there.  But no.  Quickly it was realized she had a variation
WOW.  A loose mane and tail AND a braided mane and tail!  Wasn't there a mystery horse of Roxy who had both versions, but in different colors?  I forget which Breyerfest had that one.  So this was a bit different from that because it was on the same color.  BUT doesn't end there...noooo.  There was actually a THIRD version!
shamrock.studios on IG
Wholy smokes!  Needless to say, this set the collectors into a frenzy.  In the beginning, this is the one I would've wanted to pull because I'm usually all about Paints, but I think now I would prefer the braided version and that is the one I will be in search of on the secondary market.  Besides, this paint version is very low in production run so the people who got one and plan to sell are doing so at a very high mark-up.

Another model with a variation was Rocket.  When he was first released as Emerson, I thought he was okay-looking.  Nothing really spectacular, but when I saw a picture of Rocket, I fell in love with his sweet expression

wpdr.mindy on IG
Apparently there was a chalky and a non-chalky version on the regular version and then there was the paint, which is my favorite
dancing_breyer_studiso on IG
<sigh>  This one is even less obtainable than the paint Diana, it seems.  I've seen quite a few of the braided mane/tail version but so far none of the paint Rocket.  I must be patient.  I have a habit of wanting something as soon as it comes out. 

The one model I want, but is totally unobtainable because I'm not willing to pay that much for him is the volunteer model...a beautiful grey roan Totilas.
Oh man he is very drool-worthy!  I love this mold and conga it.  I don't have all of them, but I'm only missing the custom BF model Bluebird, Zydeco from the 2014 Breyer event Big Easy Bash.  I have NEVER seen Zydeco go up for sale, but it's not like I've stalked ebay and MH$P looking for him either.  They only made 12 of Zydeco so the 200 or so (I'm totally guessing) they made of the volunteer model is much more obtainable.  Again, though, I'm not willing to spend $600 plus on one.  <sigh>  Oh well.

The single day Stablemates were done a little differently this year.  In the past, they've been put in denim pockets, cardboard sleeves and fabric bags.  This year, it was kind of a throwback to the old days when they came on blister cards.  Can I just say real quick how much I dislike the word "blister"?  LOL.  Random, yes, but I just don't like that word.  It's gross.  A couple of years ago I was in a planner group on Facebook and they had writing prompts for something, I don't even remember what it was for, but one of the words was "moist" and a lot of people said they didn't like that word.  Well, I like "moist" a lot more than "blister".  hahaha.  But I digress.  Here is what the single day Stablemates look like...the regular purchase ones were in small window boxes as shown in the photo above of the paint Rocket
The packaging is kind of cool, but I would've preferred them to be like the store special of Sarge and be in a mini window box, but that's just my opinion.

Well, I guess that is all for now.  I don't want to bore anyone, even though it doesn't seem like anyone is even reading this.  Hopefully that will change soon.  I am trying to produce content that is a bit different from the other model horse blogs I've seen.  I hope everyone enjoys their Wednesday!


  1. Bravo, bravo! Awesome read! And yes, you have a different take on the Breyerfest Event! Definitely different than the other blogs i've read on it! i wish Breyer would have divided the 3 variations evenly because of you conga at least two of them and of course i conga almost all the molds! Haha!

    1. Hahaha. I think a lot of people are wishing they'd done the variations differently, but fortunately every year isn't an anniversary year so next year should be back to normal.

      I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope you visit often. :) Well, as often as I post. haha.


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That’s not fair! Lol

 Okay…so I was looking at Facebook earlier an say a model that caught my eye.  Now, this isn’t a super new mold,but this is only the, what, ...